What We Collect

PSSI collects garbage, recycling, and compost from the Faculty/Staff Housing residents on the Stanford Campus. In October 2023, new carts and a handy kitchen pail were delivered to all customers.
Help us Provide Safe and Efficient Service
SAY “NO” TO CONTAMINANTS! Garbage and Organics DO NOT belong in the blue recyclables bin/cart.
KEEP AN EYE ON SIZE! Corrugated cardboard and paper boxes should be flattened and large pieces cut to 2′ x 3′ or smaller. This creates more room in the recycling cart, prevents litter, and keeps materials from getting stuck in carts and blocking the hopper of the collection vehicles.
MAINTAIN A CLEAN STREAM! Make sure recyclable plastic, metal, and glass food containers are empty and clean before placing them in the blue recyclables cart.
Click here for a list of what belongs in each container.
Avoid Contaminating your Recycling Stream
Make sure everything you put into the blue recycling cart/bin is recyclable. Click here for a list of what belongs. Non-recyclable materials in the blue recycling carts and bins result in:
- Contamination
- Damage to sorting machinery
- Recyclables in the landfill
Keep the Green Clean
Only place items that were once alive into the compost collection containers. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 30 present of what we throw away and could be composted instead. Making compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Fight climate change by placing food scraps and food-soiled paper in your green container. Click here for more food composting information.
The Importance of Proper Sorting
Using the correct carts and/or bins to sort your waste results in:
- compliance with California regulations.
- better quality and marketability of materials.
- a reduction in the amount of material going to the landfill.
- a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Information on legislation related to solid waste in California is available on the CalRecycle website.