Debris Box Services

PSSI is the exclusive debris box service provider for all construction and demolition projects on campus. We have a variety of services and box sizes available. Please use the links below for more information or contact us for assistance.


Did You Know?

California state ordinance SB1383 requires that divertible materials such as recycling (bottles, cans, metals, paper, cardboard, and glass) and compost/organic materials (yard trimmings, food scraps, and food-soiled paper) be separated from other municipal solid waste. To ensure compliance with SB1383, your project will need to set up weekly recycling and organics collection service for the duration of the project*.

We Can Help!

Contact us or fill out a Debris Box Service Request, to set up the appropriate services for compliance.
*PLEASE NOTE: If you will not be generating any recyclable or organics materials at your site, you will be contacted by PSSI to confirm status.


Treated Wood Waste (TWW) comes from old wood that has been treated with chemical preservatives. These chemicals help protect the wood from insect attack and fungal decay while it’s being used. Fence posts, sill plates, landscape timbers, pilings, guardrails, and decking, to name a few, are all examples of chemically treated wood. As of January 1, 2021, Treated Wood Waste (TWW) will be considered hazardous material and must be disposed of as such. For more information about treated wood waste and where to transport it, please click here.