What Belongs In Each Container

Items in gray (this table) belong in Landfill Container

6-pack rings (please cut)hose (garden or rubber)rubber bands
ash, fireplace & BBQ (damp, cold and contained)ice cream wrappers (plastic)rubber stamps
binders (plastic)laminated items rubber/neoprene
candleslight bulbs (no fluorescent)rugs/mats
carbon papermetal cable wiresnack packaging (granola bar & candy wrappers)
cdsmetallic wrapping papersponges
ceramics (including tile)mirrors straws/stir sticks (plastic)
chewing gumnails stuffed animals/toys (unwanted or can't be donated)
chip bagsnylonStyrofoam®
coffee cups (unless labeled "compostable")packing peanuts (to take to shipping stores) tape: duct/masking/scotch
cosmetics containers with residuepaper clips tempered glass (Corningware®, Pyrex®)
computer diskettespaper used from cleaning (soiled)toothpaste tubes
cotton balls (soiled)pencils with eraserstransparencies/microfilm/negatives (acetate)
deodorant casingpens (ink) utensils (plastic)
diaperspet feces vacuum bags
feminine productsplants (plastic) window glass
foam (all types)polystryrenewood (treated)
glass cups & glasses Q-tips (with paper wooden wand)
glovesrecords/tapes & CDs
hangers (dry cleaners will take back hangers)report covers (plastic)


Items in blue (this table) belong in Recycle Container

aluminum cansdetergent bottlespaper (adhesive/post-its)
aluminum foildrink boxes (juice)paper packaging with remnant tape
aseptic containersegg cartons (paper)paper towel & toilet paper tubes
bleach bottles (empty)envelopes with metal claspsphone books
boxes (shipping)fruit baskets (plastic, and if labeled 1-7)plastic bags (can also be taken back to grocery stores)
bubble wrapglass bottles & jars onlyplastic containers
cans, food (bi-metal/tin)grocery bags (paper)plastic film (free from food residue)
carbonless paperhardbound bookssalad dressing bottles
cardboard (flatten/cut large or multiple boxes)ice cream cartons (rinsed)scrap metal (piece under 30 lbs)
catalogs (discontinue unwanted catalogs)juice bottlesshampoo bottles
cereal boxesjunk mailshoe boxes
cellophanemagazinessoy milk boxes
CDs and DVDsmilk/dairy and juice cartons (paper, rinsed)tub-type containers such as those used for yogurt, cottage cheese, and margarine if labeled 1-7
computer papernewspaper (including inserts)water jugs


Items in green (this table) belong in Compost Container

bonesfruit, peels, pits, & rindsshrubs
breadgrainstea bags/tea bag with staples
cactusgrass cuttingstree twigs and branches up to 6" in diameter
cerealhouseplantstrees (holiday, unflocked)
cheeseice cream sticks (wooden)vegetables, peel, pits, & rinds
chopsticks (wooden)leavesutensils (if labeled "compostable")
coffee cups (only if labeled "compostable"meatwaxed cardboard
coffee groundspaper towelswaxed paper (food-soiled)
coffee filterspastawaxed paper containers/cups
dairy productspizza boxes (and leftover pizza)weeds
egg & egg shellspruningswine corks
flowersrice & other grainswood (uncoated, untreated)
food-soiled paper (paper plates, towels, napkins)sawdustyard waste


Items in red (this table) are considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of properly. Click here for proper disposal instruction.

batteries - PSSI will collect household batteries that are placed in a zipper-style bag on top of (not inside your blue Recyclables collection cart). Please tape the terminals on all batteries. No automotive batteries are allowed in the PSSI curbside collection program.fertilizersphoto chemical
camp stove fuel tanks/propane tanksfluorescent lightblubspoisons
CFL lightbulbslancetspool chemicals
cleaning products (toxic)lyepressurized tanks
computer hard drives/peripheralsmedicationsprinters
computer monitorsneedlessmoke detectors
electonicspainttelevision (tv)
e-wastepaint removerthermometers
fax machinespesticidesvarnish