What Belongs In Each Container
Items in gray (this table) belong in Landfill Container
first | second | third |
6-pack rings (please cut) | hose (garden or rubber) | rubber bands |
ash, fireplace & BBQ (damp, cold and contained) | ice cream wrappers (plastic) | rubber stamps |
binders (plastic) | laminated items | rubber/neoprene |
candles | light bulbs (no fluorescent) | rugs/mats |
carbon paper | metal cable wire | snack packaging (granola bar & candy wrappers) |
cds | metallic wrapping paper | sponges |
ceramics (including tile) | mirrors | straws/stir sticks (plastic) |
chewing gum | nails | stuffed animals/toys (unwanted or can't be donated) |
chip bags | nylon | Styrofoam® |
coffee cups (unless labeled "compostable") | packing peanuts (to take to shipping stores) | tape: duct/masking/scotch |
cosmetics containers with residue | paper clips | tempered glass (Corningware®, Pyrex®) |
computer diskettes | paper used from cleaning (soiled) | toothpaste tubes |
cotton balls (soiled) | pencils with erasers | transparencies/microfilm/negatives (acetate) |
deodorant casing | pens (ink) | utensils (plastic) |
diapers | pet feces | vacuum bags |
feminine products | plants (plastic) | window glass |
foam (all types) | polystryrene | wood (treated) |
glass cups & glasses | Q-tips (with paper wooden wand) | |
gloves | records/tapes & CDs | |
hangers (dry cleaners will take back hangers) | report covers (plastic) |
Items in blue (this table) belong in Recycle Container
first | second | third |
aluminum cans | detergent bottles | paper (adhesive/post-its) |
aluminum foil | drink boxes (juice) | paper packaging with remnant tape |
aseptic containers | egg cartons (paper) | paper towel & toilet paper tubes |
bleach bottles (empty) | envelopes with metal clasps | phone books |
boxes (shipping) | fruit baskets (plastic, and if labeled 1-7) | plastic bags (can also be taken back to grocery stores) |
bubble wrap | glass bottles & jars only | plastic containers |
cans, food (bi-metal/tin) | grocery bags (paper) | plastic film (free from food residue) |
carbonless paper | hardbound books | salad dressing bottles |
cardboard (flatten/cut large or multiple boxes) | ice cream cartons (rinsed) | scrap metal (piece under 30 lbs) |
catalogs (discontinue unwanted catalogs) | juice bottles | shampoo bottles |
cereal boxes | junk mail | shoe boxes |
cellophane | magazines | soy milk boxes |
CDs and DVDs | milk/dairy and juice cartons (paper, rinsed) | tub-type containers such as those used for yogurt, cottage cheese, and margarine if labeled 1-7 |
computer paper | newspaper (including inserts) | water jugs |
Items in green (this table) belong in Compost Container
first | second | third |
bones | fruit, peels, pits, & rinds | shrubs |
bread | grains | tea bags/tea bag with staples |
cactus | grass cuttings | tree twigs and branches up to 6" in diameter |
cereal | houseplants | trees (holiday, unflocked) |
cheese | ice cream sticks (wooden) | vegetables, peel, pits, & rinds |
chopsticks (wooden) | leaves | utensils (if labeled "compostable") |
coffee cups (only if labeled "compostable" | meat | waxed cardboard |
coffee grounds | paper towels | waxed paper (food-soiled) |
coffee filters | pasta | waxed paper containers/cups |
dairy products | pizza boxes (and leftover pizza) | weeds |
egg & egg shells | prunings | wine corks |
flowers | rice & other grains | wood (uncoated, untreated) |
food-soiled paper (paper plates, towels, napkins) | sawdust | yard waste |
Items in red (this table) are considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of properly. Click here for proper disposal instruction.
first | second | third |
batteries - PSSI will collect household batteries that are placed in a zipper-style bag on top of (not inside your blue Recyclables collection cart). Please tape the terminals on all batteries. No automotive batteries are allowed in the PSSI curbside collection program. | fertilizers | photo chemical |
camp stove fuel tanks/propane tanks | fluorescent lightblubs | poisons |
CFL lightbulbs | lancets | pool chemicals |
cleaning products (toxic) | lye | pressurized tanks |
computer hard drives/peripherals | medications | printers |
computer monitors | needles | smoke detectors |
electonics | paint | television (tv) |
e-waste | paint remover | thermometers |
fax machines | pesticides | varnish |